23 August 2009

Hello, and greetings from Newcastle!

First things first... I've moved the blog from a really old piece of software onto Blogger, so you'll notice that the blog has a LOT more features & looks a bit snazzier as well. Hope you enjoy...

Now, onto more interesting things...

My husband and I have been back from our North American adventure for a couple weeks now. Unfortunately we both came back to very nasty colds and lots of work, so this is the first chance I've had since my return to dive into the site. For those of you who arenɔ aware, Will and I went to the annual Norseman Festival in Red Lake, Ontario in July. We also visited my family in Ohio and took a couple days vacation in Chicago. It was an amazing trip all told.

I have tons of pictures and stories to share about our time in Red Lake, which I will try to get posted slowly as time allows. I have already posted several pictures out on the Norseman Flickr Group, so be sure to check those out. Thanks to everyone who showed us such kindness whilst in Red Lake ʼnt was truly an amazing trip. I'd especially like to thank Ron Robinson and his family for being such gracious hosts and support for our family.

Next businessPI have scanned six pages of black & white Norseman specification drawings and posted them on my site. The pics are compiled in a PDF format and can be accessed through the Documents section of the site. Sadly they are photocopies of photocopies. The quality isnɔ the greatest but some people HAVE found them helpful in the past, so I thought it best to post them for everyone else to share. When my grandfather was alive, he used to send photocopies of these drawings to people upon request via 'snail mail'. I doubt he'd mind that I'm sharing them electronically nowadays.

Til next time,


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